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Worktown Collection (1937-40)
Box 55: Holidays, guest houses and hotels
55/A Hotels and guest houses
"Reference directive for lodgings", ts, 2pp, 5.9.[?], RP
- Observer accounts:
- "Interview: Secretary of the Hotel Keepers and
Apartment Houses Association", ms, 3pp
- "Mr Oldfield", ms, 2pp, [BCP], interview about rates for hotels, also interview with Mr Turner on the same issue
- "Hotel Talk", ms, 1p, 5.9.37, overheards at breakfast and afterwards
- Untitled document, ms, 4pp, 5.9.[?], detailed description of a [guest house]
- "Lodgings", ms/ts, 5pp, 5.9.[?], BB, details of meal times and notices at a private hotel [incomplete ms lacks p1]
- "[Diary] of week's holiday at Blackpool", ms, 7pp, 5.9-11.9.[?]
- "Follow survey", ts, 1p, 6.9.[?], [SH], in Elgin Hotel
- "Monday Afternoon", ms, 1p, 6.9.[?], AB, overheard conversation at hotel
- "Metropole", ts, 9pp, 6.9.[?], [JS], observations and overheards
- "Lodgings", ts, 1p, 6.9.[?], BB, about "Sunnyside", Blackpool (incomplete)
- "Here is the life-story of a Kippax:", ts, 3pp, about Mrs Menary
- "Detailed report on Home Groups", ms, 7pp, JT/UT, the St. Georges Hotel
- "Norbreck Hydro", ts, 2pp, 8.9.[?], TH, 2 booking forms attached
- Untitled document, ms, 4pp, about Norbreck Hydro
- "Mr Oldfield", ms, 2pp, [BCP], interview about rates for hotels, also interview with Mr Turner on the same issue
"Comparative comforts in specimen lodgings of the six groups", ts, 1p, chart, (2 copies)
Misc, ts, 1p
Newspaper cuttings (2)
Bills (6) various hotels/guest houses
Index card (1), description of [guest house]
Hotel literature (3)
55/B Lodgings houses
- Observer accounts:
- "The Lodging House, Lark Hill St., Blackpool", ts,
4pp, 6.9.[?], JW
- "Larkhill Working men's hostel, Blackpool", ts, 5pp, 10.9-11.9., JW, directive for lodgings
- "Larkhill Lodging House", ts, 9pp, 11.9.[?], JW, about a deserter
- "Larkhill Working men's hostel, Blackpool", ts, 5pp, 10.9-11.9., JW, directive for lodgings
55/C Social facilities and meal times
Untitled document, ms, 6pp, chart, analysis of social facilities (no official source cited)
"Statistics on social facilities", ts, 85pp, completed forms
"Observations during meal times in a boarding house", ms, 2pp, chart
"Observations on six bedrooms in small boarding houses", ms, 1p, chart
"Observations during meal times in a private hotel", ms, 1p, 1.8.37
"Chief differences between Private Hotel & Boarding House", ms, 1p
55/D Holiday camps
- Observer accounts:
- "Rotary Camp", ts, 1p, 2.7.37, visit
- "Squires Gate Camp", ms, 1p, 5.9.[?], EB, brief description of dance hall, conversation about the construction of the camp
- "Squires Gate Camp", ms, 3pp, 6.9.[?], EB, dance competition
- "Squires Gate Camp charges and prices in shops", ms, 1p, 9.9.[?], EB
- "Squires Gate Camp", ms, 2pp, 6.9.[?], EB, what people are eating and drinking
- "Caravan sites, Hawes Lanes", ts, 4pp, 17.9.[?], THH
- "Squires Gate Camp", index cards (2), ms, EB
- "Squires Gate Camp", ms, 1p, 5.9.[?], EB, brief description of dance hall, conversation about the construction of the camp
Letter from Roger L. Pye, Managing Director Squires Gate Holiday Camp, Ltd, to "Dear Sir or Madam", ts, 1p, with application form and illustrated literature about the camp
Misc, ts, 1p
55/E Fish and chip shops and restaurants
- Observer accounts:
- "Fish & Chip Shop - Adelaide St.", ms/ts, 2pp
- "Fish and Chip Shop", ts, 7.9.[?], BB
- "Chipshop, Adelaide St.", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], SM, count and overheards
- "Report on visit to Heskeths Chip Saloon, Adelaide St.", ts, 2pp, 7.9.37, IR
- "Maxwell's Restuarant(sic), Church Street", ts, 2pp, G[?]
- "Fish & Chips Dale's Restaurant", ms/ts, 2pp 7.9.[?]
- "Fish & Chips", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], [WH]
- "Savoy", ms, 1p, [BCP]
- "Fish and Chip Shop", ts, 7.9.[?], BB
55/F Oyster carts, ice cream and rock making and selling
- Observer accounts:
- "Oyster Carts", ts, 1p, 6.6.[?], JW
- "Oyster Cart", ts, 1p
- "Rock Making", ts, 3pp, 8.6.[?], JW
- "Rock Selling", ts, 2pp, 9.6.[?], JW
- "Blackpool", ms, 1p, 3.7.[?], LT, about a new rock on sale
- "Ice Cream", ts, 1p, 7.6.-9.6.[?], JW, ingredients for making the best ice cream and the cheapest
- "Ice Cream", ts, 1p, 9.6.[?], JW, Frankells in Bloomfield Road
- "Custom at Ice-cream cart", ms, 1p
- "Food at the central beach side shows area", ts, 3pp, 3.9.[?], HH
- "[Pablo's] Shop", ms, 2pp, description of shop and hours worked by girls and men
- Misc, ts, 1p
- "Oyster Cart", ts, 1p
55/G Food
- Observer accounts:
- "Chicken", ms, 1p, list of prices of chicken meals at
various venues
- "Wedding cake", ms, 1p, 24.4.[?], WH, illustrated description
Booklet: Adventures in Diet, Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Newspaper cutting
55/H Eating places and menus
- Observer accounts
- "North Pier", ms, 1p, 15.4.[?], WH
- "Central Pier", ms, 1p, 15.4.[?], WH
- "Blackpool South Shore", ms, 1p, 2.7.[?],LT
- "Boarding House Food", ts, 2pp, 24.7.[?], SM, meals at 36 Clifford Road
- "Cafe Squires Gate", ms, 4pp, 6.9.[?], [WH]
- "Report on visit to Lockharts Cafe, Bank Hey Street", ts, 2pp, 7.9.37., IR
- "Dinner", ms, 1p, 7.9.[?], [WH], overheard conversation
- "Other instances of staff and service", ts, 1p
- "Blackpool. Lunch time. Wells' Cafe, downstairs", ts, 1p, BCP, overheards
- "Cafe Lunch", ts, 2pp, 9.9.[?], BB
- "The places where food is eaten", ms, 1p
- "Food and Health", ms, 4pp
- "Central Pier", ms, 1p, 15.4.[?], WH
"Tower Places", ms, 1p, chart, prices of meals at various venues
"Lunches", ms, 1p, chart, prices of lunches at Wells Cafe, Stanleys and Lockharts
Untitled document, ms, 1p, number of French items on the menu at various venues
Untitled document, ms, 2pp, chart with prices at various venues
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart detailing people's food orders and analysis of same
"Larger type of boarding house Summer week-end menu", ts, 1p, chart
Untitled document, ms, 1p, chart of meals
Magazine cuttings (2)
Menus (8), from various hotels and cafes
55/I Pubs and drinking
- Observer accounts
- "Some Southport pubs", ts, 3pp, 2[7].7.[?], Hoghton
Hotel, The Clifton, The Bold Hotel, and guest house,
- "Drinking", ts, 2pp, 4.8.37, [JS], unspecified pub on the front at Blackpool
- "Pub environment", ts, 2pp, 4.9.[?], [JS], illustrated
- "Uncle Tom's Cabin", ms/ts, 2pp, 5.9.37, EL
- "Drink on Blackpool Postcards", ts, 4pp
- Misc, ms, 1p, sketch of a bar
- Misc, ts, 2pp
- Newspaper cutting
- "Drinking", ts, 2pp, 4.8.37, [JS], unspecified pub on the front at Blackpool