English and drama

Forensic Linguistics

Module code: Q1085
Level 6
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework

In this module we look at the interaction between linguistics and the law and you'll get hands on experience of the practical ways that linguistics can be applied.

Forensic linguistics covers a wide range of topics including:

  • the use of language analysis in investigating disputed authorship and in identifying deception
  • the analysis of comprehensibility of language used in the legal process
  • identification of social justice issues in terms of how some people may be linguistically disadvantaged in the legal system
  • understanding the ways in which the law is applied to language.

Module learning outcomes

  • Critically appraise different linguistic approaches to authorship attribution and identification of deception.
  • Describe the dynamics of interactions in police interviews/courtroom discourse with reference to pragmatic and narrative features.
  • Discuss the ways in which particular social groups may be linguistically disadvantaged by the structure of courtroom discourse.
  • Identify the linguistic features which contribute to a perception of complexity in legal language.