
Reactivity of the Elements

Module code: F1201
Level 4
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Workshop
Assessment modes: Unseen examination, Coursework

This module will introduce you to the periodic table as the “chemists’ toolbox”. You’ll consider the various characteristic trends and their implications for chemical structure and reactivity.

You’ll also look at the general, over-arching features of the table, before focusing on sub-sets of these in relation to the specific chemistry of the s, p and d blocks. You will consider the utility of the elements and their compounds. This will be contextualised by modern applications and contemporary advances.

Module learning outcomes

  • An understanding of the construction of the periodic table in terms of characteristic trends and the application of this in relating the behaviour and character individual elements.
  • A knowledge of the core chemical reactivities and simple binary compounds and their importance in modern applications
  • An understanding of basic coordination chemistry principles as applied across the periodic table, with particular emphasis on the transition metals
  • Understanding of the simple models of bonding within transition metal complexes and ability to apply them in determining the electronic physical characteristics of metal centres