Physics and astronomy

Quantum Mechanics 1

Module code: F3239
Level 5
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Class, Workshop
Assessment modes: Coursework, Unseen examination

Quantum mechanics describes the often unintuitive behaviour of the very small such as electrons and photons.This fundamental theory in physics is at the core of modern technology and helps explain how transistors work.

This theory is now at the centre of completely new technologies called quantum technologies. They including quantum sensors, quantum communication devices and quantum computers, and are currently being developed around the world.

In this module you will gain an understanding of the basic characteristics of quantum systems using differential and integral calculus. This will include familiarising yourself with the Schroedinger equation and perturbation theory and learning how to apply it to relevant systems.


Level 4: (F3210) Classical Mechanics [T1].
Level 5: (F3204) Electrodynamics [T1]
Level 5: (F3205) Maths Methods 3 [T1]

Module learning outcomes

  • A successful student should be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the basic characteristics of quantum systems.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the quantum mechanical wave function and its basic properties.
  • Apply the stationary Schroedinger equation to simple quantum mechanical systems.
  • Apply differential and integral calculus to determine basic properties of quantum mechanics systems.