Accounting and Finance

Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Module code: N1608
Level 6
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Workshop
Assessment modes: Essay, Coursework

The aim of this module is to develop ability to evaluate the impacts on accounting of contemporary issues in society by: critically analysing and communicating accounting responses to such issues; and, developing creative solutions to unresolved accounting problems arising from them. In pursuing this objective, the way in which accounting is viewed and portrayed in popular culture will be analysed and interpreted; and the requirements of the regulatory framework of accounting and their implications for accounting will be critically assessed.

Module learning outcomes

  • Apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to identify aspects of accounting practice that have changed and others that have not changed in response to changes in society.
  • Critically evaluate how effectively changes to accounting practice in response to societal changes have met the needs of society.
  • Predict unintended consequences of changes to accounting regulations.
  • Critically evaluate and explain how accounting is perceived in contemporary society.