
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Business Ethics

Module code: N1574
Level 6
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Workshop, Lecture
Assessment modes: Coursework, Portfolio

On this module, you’ll explore the relationship between organisations and their stakeholder groups, focusing on social accountability and corporate responsibilities.

You’ll examine:

  • corporate governance
  • socially responsible investment
  • ethical issues in contemporary business.

Module learning outcomes

  • Display a systematic understanding of the key concepts, principles and theoretical underpinning of corporate social responsibility and business ethics
  • Undertake critical analysis and evaluation of a selected organisation鈥檚 current stakeholder practice and corporate social responsibility strategies.
  • Demonstrate effective work as part of a team to communicate critical understanding of concepts, principles and theories in the area of CSR
  • Appreciate the complexities of sustainability in the corporate context and communicate critical ideas to different types of audiences using different means.