Strategy and Marketing

Business Management Case Study

Module code: N1588
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework

This module equips you for the world of work by developing your ability to understand what's going on inside an organisation through strengthening your ability to interpret business metrics (specifically operating, efficiency, financial, competitive and strategic data).

This interpretative ability will draw on the skills and information from all the modules you have studied so far. You learn through an in-depth exploration of business case studies where you will have the opportunity to look at businesses from a number of angles:

  • strategic
  • competitive,
  • operational
  • cultural
  • accounting
  • financial.

Module learning outcomes

  • Integrate and synthesise prior knowledge and learning from multiple and diverse topic areas of business and management, calling on learning from Strategy, Accounting, Operations and Marketing, and potentially other business disciplines that have been studied.
  • Apply synthesised knowledge and skills to build a holisitic understanding of management in a specific business case, using understanding of Strategy, Accounting, Operations and Marketing and potentially other business disciplines to inform a wide perspective for the analysis of the class and assignment cases
  • Find and select relevant secondary data and analyse it, in order to build a holisitic understanding of management in a specific business case, covering research of library databases, reports and information available from the library and online, to answer the assessment questions.