
Law of Succession (Spr)

Module code: M3020
Level 6
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Distance exam, Coursework

This module is concerned with the devolution of assets on death, often representing the culmination of a person's accumulation of good in a lifetime of work and saving.

On this module, you study both the law of intestacy (where property devolves by rules of law because there is no will) and the law of wills.

You explore the modes of transferring inherited wealth and property on death in a social context. You focus on the idea of freedom of testation (which is particularly strong in this jurisdiction) and the social context in which that principle operates.

You also consider the consequences that freedom of testation may have for poverty and the impact that that may have on the state’s obligation to alleviate poverty. The adequacy of current legislation to provide for the meeting of support obligations to family and dependants will be considered in this light. 

You cover topics including:

  • wills and intestacy
  • probate
  • the administration of estates.

Module learning outcomes

  • Understand and offer critical reflections of the rules of intestacy and the administration of the estate of a person who dies without a will.
  • Understand and offer critical reflections on the legal rules for making a will, and for the administration of a testator's estate.
  • Critically analyse the adequacy of the rules of succession in their social, political and ideological context.
  • Carry out independent study and research using a range of legal and social science materials.