Academic Development for Arts and Humanities 1
Module code: Q0001F
Level 3 (sub-degree)
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Seminar, Lecture, Online lecture
Assessment modes: Coursework
This is the first of two core and compulsory modules that will develop your academic skills necessary for undergraduate study. All foundation year students take this module.
You’ll be working on a piece of independent research throughout this module which focuses on developing your skills as a researcher. Through a series of in-class tasks and assessed pieces of work, you will develop skills such as finding, analysing and evaluating source material to be used to form and support convincing arguments in undergraduate essays and presentations.
The work you will do on this module is framed around (and supported by) the Online Academic Writing Guide (OAWG), a resource that provides information and practice opportunities of the research skills being taught. You will work on this guide during your self-study time, but your tutor will support your efforts by complementing this resource with in-class tasks and activities.
Working closely with this resource, with your academic development tutor and with your peers will enable you to move away from the format and style typical of ‘A’ level essay writing and start developing approaches that are expected in a subject-specific undergraduate piece of work.
Through reflective tasks and assessments, the module will also help you realize the best way to study at university, focusing on managing your time and developing specific academic skills that will give you confidence when you progress onto your degree.
Topics of study in this module include:
- the process of academic writing in your chosen subject area
- being aware of issues of academic integrity
- critical reading and note-taking
- referencing/writing citations
- making the most of academic tutorials and understanding feedback
- carrying out effective literature searching
- presentation, negotiating and debating skills.
Module learning outcomes
- Engage in a small scale research project that focuses on the process of argumentation
- Identify the key arguments in subject specific sources to support the communication of your own arguments
- Identify your strengths and development needs through feedback on your ability to write reflectively, and on your engagement with the research process