
Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS)

Cognitive science research papers

To see a report abstract, click on its number. Most recently published reports are available for download. If you have queries concerning these or any other publications of the School of Informatics, please contact the School Office.

(603) Ivon Arroyo, Benedict du Boulay, Ulises Xolocotzin Eligio, Rosemary Luckin, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta: In the Mood for Learning: methodology

(600) Carlos Gomez-Rodriguez, David Weir and John Carroll: Parsing Mildly Non-projective Dependency Structures

(599) Anil Seth: Functions of Consciousness

(598) Tom Froese and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: Can evolutionary robotics generate simulation models of autopoiesis?

(597) Tom Froese and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: Stability of Coordination Requires Mutuality of Interaction in a Model of Embodied Agents

(596) Tom Froese and Emmet Spier: Convergence and Crossover: The Permutation Problem Revisited

(595) Benedict du Boulay, Julie Coultas and Rose Luckin: How compelling is the evidence for the effectiveness of e-Learning in the post-16 sector?

(594) Amanda Harris, Nicola Yuill, Rose Luckin: Examining the consistency of mastery and performance goals across group and perceived ability contexts

(593) Tom Froese & Adam Spiers: Toward a Phenomenological Pragmatics of Enactive Perception

(592) Tom Froese: On the Role of AI in the Ongoing Paradigm Shift within the Cognitive Sciences

(591) Tom Froese, Nathaniel Virgo, Eduardo Izquierdo: Autonomy: a review and a reappraisal

(590) Hiroyuki Iizuka and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: Toward Spinozist Robotics: Exploring the Minimal Dynamics of Behavioural Preference

(589) Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Marieke Rohde, Hiroyuki Iizuka: Sensitivity to social contingency or stability of interaction? Modelling the dynamics of perceptual crossing

(588) Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Hiroyuki Iizuka: How (Not) to Model Autonomous Behaviour

(587) Ezequiel Di Paolo, Marieke Rohde and Hanneke De Jaegher: Horizons for the Enactive Mind: Values, Social Interaction, and Play

(586) Hilary Smith, Josh Underwood, Rose Luckin, Geraldine Fitzpatrick: The Public Understanding of Environmental e-Science and SENSE Projects: e-Science Learning Activities

(585) Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez, Edgar Acosta-Chaparro, Madeline Alsmeyer, Katerina, Avramides, Sallyan Bryant, Amanda Harris, Joh Hunt, Zaliman Yusoff: Human Centred Technology Workshop 2006 (Proceedings) Designing for Collaborative as well as Indivualised Environments

(584) Marieke Rohde and Ezequiel Di Paolo: â€œValue Signalsâ€聺 and Adaptation: An Exploration in Evolutionary Robotics

(583) Manuela Jungmann, Nicolas Villar: BodyPresent: Social Coordination of Embodied Stillness

(582) Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Paul Marshall, Anthony Phillips: CVS integration with notification and chat: lightweight team support

(580) Lucinda Kerawalla, Darren Pearce, Nicola Yuill, Rosemary Luckin, Amanda Harris: The design and implementation of classroom activities to teach 7-9 year old children argumentation and listening skills

(579) Eva Hornecker, John Halloran, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Eric Harris: Co-Designing Novel User Experiences at a Historic Manor House

(578) Rosemary Luckin: Learning Contexts as Ecologies of Resources: Issues for the Design of Educational Technology

(577) Thorsten Prante, Brian Meyers, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Lonnie D. Harvel: ECHISE2005 - 1st International Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories in Smart Environments (Proceedings)

(576) Erika Martinez-Miron, Diane Brewster: Advancing the potential for communication, learning and interaction

(575) Steve Torrance: Thin phenomenality and machine consciousness

(574) Ron Chrisley, Rob Clowes, Steve Torrance: Next-generation approaches to machine consciousness

(572) Miguel Garvie, Adrian Thompson: Low overhead self-checking combinatorial and sequential circuits designed by evolution

(571) Jon Robinson, ed.: The 17th White House papers. Graduate research in informatics at Sussex

(569) Diana McCarthy, Rob Koeling, Julie Weeds: Ranking WordNet senses automatically

(568) Blay Whitby: The myth of AI failure

(567) Jon Rimmer, Benjamin Zayas, eds.: Square pegs in round holes? The relationship between empirical research and theoretical frameworks

(564) Kingsley Sage, ed.: The 16th White House papers. Graduate research in cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(563) Kingsley Sage, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Developing context sensitive HMM gesture recognition

(562) A. Jonathan Howell, Kingsley Sage, Hilary Buxton: Developing task-specific RBF hand gesture recognition

(561) R. Luckin, J. Coultas, J. Underwood, B. du Boulay, J. Mateer, R. Mudge, M. Sharples, R. Tongue: Building a framework for interactive educational television content

(560) Stephen Drake: C(N,K) landscapes: an investigation of epistasis and crossover in real-valued GAs

(559) Yvonne Rogers, Mike Scaife, Frances Aldrich, Sara Price: Improving children's understanding of formalisms through interacting with multimedia

(556) Yvonne Rogers, Mike Scaife, Antonio Rizzo: Interdisciplinarity: an emergent or engineered process?

(555) Benjamin Zayas, ed.: Tools for thought: communicating and learning through digital technology

(554) Deborah Horney: The Thatcher illusion: what can it tell us about the infant's developing abilities to distinguish between facial expressions?

(553) Sara Price: Diagram representation: the cognitive basis for understanding animation in education

(552) Julie Weeds, ed.: The 15th White House papers. Graduate research in cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(551) Terry Stewart: Learning in artificial life: conditioning, concept formation and sensorimotor loops

(550) Darren Pearce, ed.: The 14th White House papers. Graduate research in cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(549) Tom Smith, Phil Husbands, Michael O'Shea: Temporally adaptive networks: analysis of GasNet robot controllers

(548) Ezequiel Di Paolo: Evolving robust robots using homeostatic oscillators

(547) Eldan Goldenberg: Why curiosity didn't kill the primate

(544) George du Boulay, Briony A. Teather, Derek Teather, Nathan Jeffery: A magnetic resonance image description language for neuroradiology

(541) A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Active vision techniques for visually mediated interaction

(540) Lisa Hinkley, George du Boulay, Catriona Good, Benedict du Boulay, Briony Teather, Derek Teather, Mike Sharples, Nathan Jeffery: Computer-based neuroradiology training using a 'small worlds' approach to differential diagnosis

(539) Stephen Clark: Class-based statistical models for lexical knowledge acquisition

(538) Benjamin Zayas, Claudia Gama, eds: Information technologies and knowledge construction: bringing together the best of two worlds

(536) Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: Artificial life and historical processes

(535) Tom Smith, Phil Husbands, Michael O'Shea: Evolvability, neutrality and search difficulty

(534) Tom Smith, Phil Husbands, Michael O'Shea: Characterising fitness landscapes through evolvability

(533) Blay Whitby: Flying lessons: what can aviation investigations tell other disciplines about the human-computer interface?

(532) Darren Pearce, ed.: The 13th White House papers. Graduate research in cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(531) Rosemary Luckin, Benedict Du Boulay: Broadband user modelling: where AIED meets ie-TV

(530) Stephen Drake, Phil Husbands: Survival of the sickest: a site-specific recombination operator for accelerated function optimization

(529) Ezequiel Di Paolo: Rhythmic and non-rhythmic attractors in asynchronous random Boolean networks

(528) Nicola Jane Woods: The intersection of internal and external factors in a sound change in New Zealand English

(527) Melanie Green, Philip J. Jaggar: Ex-situ and in-situ focus in Hausa

(526) Melanie Green: The focus properties of copular sentences

(525) Benjamin Zayas, Sam Simpson, eds: The impact of technology on users: Breaking or creating boundaries?

(524) Terry Stewart: Neural models of concept formation and conditioning: a literature review

(523) John Carroll, Robert C. Moore, Stephan Oepen: Efficiency in large-scale parsing systems

(522) David Young: Straight lines and circles in the log-polar image

(521) Beate Grawemeyer, Richard Cox, Carmel Lum: AUDIX: using Java-based software for remediating auditory perceptual deficits

(520) Jamie Sherrah, Shaogang Gong, A.Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Interpretation of group behaviour in visually mediated interaction

(519) Rudi Lutz: Evolving good hierarchical decompositions of complex systems

(518) Michael Eraut, Benedict du Boulay: Developing the attributes of medical professional judgement and competence: a review of the literature

(516) Jake Chandler: On Being Inexplicit

(515) Matt Quinn, Lincoln Smith, Giles Mayley, Phil Husbands: Evolving formation movement for a homogeneous multi-robot system: teamwork and role-allocation with real robots

(514) A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Gesture recognition for visually mediated interaction

(513) Ann Light: Vermersch's 'explicitation' interviewing technique used in analysing human-computer interaction

(512) Darren Pearce, ed.: The 12th White House papers. Graduate research in cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(511) Fabrice Retkowsky, ed.: Interacting through/with technology: increasing the potential for communicating and learning?

(510) Shimon Edelman, Nathan Intrator: Computational models of perceptual learning

(509) Carol O'Neal: A longitudinal study of the phonological acquisition of English consonants

(508) L. Cuthbert, B. du Boulay, D. Teather, B. Teather, M. Sharples, G. du Boulay: Expert/novice differences in diagnostic medical cognition - a review of the literature

(507) Ann Light: Fourteen users in search of a newspaper: the effect of expectation on online behaviour

(506) Anil Seth: A cybernetic perspective on the role of noise in the iterated prisoner's dilemma

(505) Chris Thornton: There is no free lunch but the starter is cheap: generalisation from first principles

(504) Chris Thornton: Truth-from-trash learning and the mobot footballer

(503) Chris Thornton: The building block fallacy

(502) Chris Thornton: Virtual seens and the frequently used dataset

(501) Vicente Guerrero Rojo: MML: a modelling language with dynamic selection of methods

(500) Shimon Edelman, Fiona Newell: On the representation of object structure in human vision: evidence from differential priming of shape and location

(499) Rory Graves, Ian Wakeman: Implementing a Java virtual machine for network simulation

(498) Phil Husbands, Tom Smith, Nick Jakobi, Michael O'Shea: Better living through chemistry: evolving gasnets for robot control

(497) Nick Jakobi: Running across the reality gap: octopod locomotion evolved in a minimal simulation

(496) Bill Keller, ed.: Proceedings of the ESSLLI-98 workshop on automated acquisition of syntax and parsing

(495) Fabrice P. Retkowsky, ed.: The 11th White House papers. Graduate research in cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(494) Ann Light, Rose Luckin, Fabrice Retkowsky, Pablo Romero, eds: Human Centred Technology workshop '98 proceedings

(493) Sara Jones: Diagram representation: a comparison of animated and static formats

(492) Joseph Arthur Wood: Improving software designs via the minimum description length principle

(491) J.K. Brook: Cascade-correlation as a model of representational redescription

(490) A.J. Howell, Hilary Buxton: Towards visually mediated interaction using appearance-based models

(489) John Carroll, ed.: Proceedings of workshop on the evaluation of parsing systems

(488) A.J. Howell: Automatic face recognition using radial basis function networks

(486) Rosemary Luckin: 'Ecolab': explorations in the zone of proximal development

(485) Richard Coates: A bibliography of Channel Islands French and the general linguistic situation in the islands to 1997

(484) Marco Antonio Esteves da Rocha: The antecedent-likelihood theory: a methodology to analyse and resolve anaphora in dialogues

(483) Graham C.L. Davey, Angus S. McDonald, Claire E. Ferguson, Anne-Marie O'Neill, Janet Shepherd, Dawn Band: Cognitive neutralising strategies, coping and psychological health

(482) Margaret A. Boden: Is metabolism necessary?

(481) Andy P. Field, Jeremy Tree, Graham C.L. Davey: Evaluative conditioning using disgust facial expressions as unconditioned stimuli: evidence for selective conditioning effects

(480) Sharon Duvdevani-Bar, Shimon Edelman, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: A similarity-based method for the generalization of face recognition over pose and expression

(479) Paul Layzell: The 'evolvable motherboard'. A test platform for the research of intrinsic hardware evolution

(478) John Halloran, Fabrice Retkowsky, eds: The tenth White House papers. Graduate research in the cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(477) Malcolm McIlhagga, Ian Wakeman: Architectural requirements of a system retrieving adaptive image objects

(476) Nicholas Sharples: Gaining access to internet quality of service from an application (Netbase)

(475) Angus S. McDonald, Graham C.L. Davey, Geoffrey D.R. Bryant: Injury severity and coping as predictors of psychological health in accident patients

(474) Angus S. McDonald, Graham C.L. Davey: The assessment of coping: methodological issues in the construction of coping inventories

(473) Angus S. McDonald, Graham C.L. Davey: Post-traumatic symptomatology in a non-clinical population: the effects of stressor characteristics and coping on intrusive and avoidant thoughts

(472) Sophie Hodgson, Frank Tallis, Graham C.L. Davey: Worried sick: the relationship between worrying and psychological and physical health status

(471) Karen Barker, Graham C.L. Davey: Categories of disgust: a factor analysis study

(470) Peter M. Williams: Matrix logarithm parametrizations for regularized neural network regression models

(468) Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Des Watson (eds): Abstract book, MEDNET97, the world congress on the Internet in medicine

(467) Stephen Eglen: Modelling the development of the retinogeniculate pathway

(466) John Halloran, Theodoros N. Arvanitis: Toward adaptive dual expert and intelligent tutoring systems in medicine: a case study for spinal injuries diagnosis

(465) L.F. Gonzalez Hernandez: Analysing breakdowns in performance in ZCS

(463) Mike Sharples, Nathan Jeffery, Derek Teather, Briony Teather, George du Boulay: A socio-cognitive engineering approach to the development of a knowledge-based training system for neuroradiology

(462) Joe Faith: In defence of functional analysis

(461) Andrew Wuensche: Attractor basins of discrete networks. Implications on self-organisation and memory

(460) Julie Rutkowska: Computation, dynamics and sensory-motor development

(459) Dave Cliff, Jason Noble: Knowledge-based vision and simple visual machines

(458) Julie C. Coultas: When in Rome... A test of Boyd and Richerson's conformist transmission model

(457) Nick Jakobi: Evolutionary robotics and the radical envelope of noise hypothesis

(456) A.Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Recognising simple behaviours using time-delay RBF networks

(455) Malcolm McIlhagga, Phil Husbands: The application of a distributed genetic algorithm to a generic scheduling system

(452) Hilary Buxton: Visual interpretation and understanding

(451) Chris Thornton: A no-strings representation theory for adaptive researchers

(450) Chris Thornton: Backpropagation can't do parity generalisation

(449) Chris Thornton: Unsupervised constructive learning

(448) Chris Thornton: The inductive roots of abduction: a task analysis

(447) Chris Thornton: Is transfer inductive?

(446) Bill Keller, Rudi Lutz: A new crossover operator for rapid function optimisation using a genetic algorithm

(445) Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: An investigation into the evolution of communicative behaviors

(444) Bill Keller, Rudi Lutz: Learning stochastic context-free grammars from corpora using a genetic algorithm

(443) Steve Easterbrook, John Callahan: Formal methods for V&V of partial specifications: an experience report

(442) Steve Easterbrook, John Callahan: Independent validation of specifications: a coordination headache

(441) Ronald Lemmen: Embodiment for non-Cartesians

(440) Jason Noble, Sara R. Parsowith: The Ninth White House Papers. Graduate research in the Cognitive and Computing Sciences

(439) Steve Easterbrook, Robyn Lutz, Rick Covington, John Kelly, Yoko Ampo, David Hamilton: Experiences using formal methods for requirements modeling

(438) Steve Easterbrook, Bashar Nuseibeh: Using ViewPoints for inconsistency management

(437) Amer Al-Rawas, Steve Easterbrook: Communication problems in requirements engineering: a field study

(436) Steve Easterbrook: The role of independent V&V in upstream software development processes

(435) John Carroll, ed: Proceedings of workshop on robust parsing at eighth summer school in logic, language and information

(434) Stephen Grand, Dave Cliff, Anil Malhotra: Creatures: artificial life autonomous software agents for home entertainment

(432) Anne Rosemary Tate: Pattern recognition analysis of in vivo magnetic resonance spectra

(431) Andy P. Field: An appropriate control condition for evaluative conditioning

(430) A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Towards unconstrained face recognition from image sequences

(429) T.N. Arvanitis, C. Baldock, J. Lutkin, R. Vincent, D. Watson, eds: European congress of the internet in medicine, MEDNET96, programme and abstracts

(428) Lydia Plowman, Richard Harper, Yvonne Rogers, eds.: The 'professional stranger'

(427) Marco Antonio Esteves da Rocha: A description of an annotation scheme to analyse anaphora in dialogues

(426) Otavio A.S. Carpinteiro: A connectionist approach in music perception

(425) Frederic Gruau, Kameel Quatramaran: Cellular encoding for interactive evolutionary robotics

(424) Otavio A.S. Carpinteiro, Harry G. Barrow: A self-organizing map model for sequence classification

(423) Nick Jakobi: Harnessing morphogenesis

(422) Nick Jakobi: Facing the facts: necessary requirements for the artificial evolution of complex behaviour

(420) Jason Noble, Dave Cliff: On simulating the evolution of communication

(419) C.J. Cox: A graph-theoretic approach to the semantics of discourse and anaphora

(418) Martin Ebdon: Towards a general theory of cerebral neocortex

(417) Lydia Plowman: Rethinking the role of the fieldworker for CSCW: ethnography by proxy

(416) A.Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Improving generalisation in radial basis function networks for face recognition

(415) Sooman N. Lee: A grammar of Iranian Azerbaijani

(414) Seth Bullock, Dave Cliff: Modelling biases and biasing models: the role of 'hidden preferences' in the artificial co-evolution of symmetrical signals

(413) Steve M. Easterbrook, Theodoros N. Arvanitis: Preparing students for software engineering

(412) Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: A computational model of speciation in non-uniform environments without physical barriers

(411) Sadhana Puntambekar, Benedict du Boulay: Investigating the changes in the metacognitive activities of students while interacting with a computer tool

(410) Sadhana Puntambekar, Benedict du Boulay: Design and development of MIST: a system to help students develop metacognition

(409) Giles Mayley: No pain, no gain: landscapes, learning costs and genetic assimilation

(408) M. McIlhagga, P. Husbands, R. Ives: A comparison of optimization techniques for integrated manufacturing planning and scheduling

(407) William A. Gale, Geoffrey Sampson: Good-Turing frequency estimation without tears

(406) Nicola Woods: The role of women in the formation and development of New Zealand English

(405) Margaret A. Boden: Consciousness and human identity: an interdisciplinary perspective

(404) Stephen Egelen, Jim Stone, Harry Barrow: Learning perceptual invariances: a spatial model

(403) Remedios de Dios Bulos: Goal feasibility assessment: architecture, representation and control strategy

(402) Remedios de Dios Bulos: Goal detection: representation, mechanisms, architecture

(401) Chris Thornton: Brave mobots use representation

(400) Chris Thornton: Parity: the problem that won't go away

(399) Chris Thornton: Why GAs are hard to use

(398) James V. Stone: A canonical microfunction for learning perceptual invariances

(397) Adrian Thompson, Inman Harvey, Philip Husbands: Unconstrained evolution and hard consequences

(396) Ibrahim Kuscu: Incrementally learning the rules for supervised tasks: the Monk's problems

(395) Ibrahim Kuscu: Evolution of learning rules for supervised tasks II: hard learning problems

(394) Ibrahim Kuscu: Evolution of learning rules for supervised tasks I: simple learning problems

(393) M. Sharples, J.B.H. du Boulay, B.A. Teather, D. Teather, N. Jeffery, G.H. du Boulay: The MR Tutor: computer-based training and professional practice

(392) Mike Sharples: An account of writing as creative design

(391) A.Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Receptive field functions for face recognition

(390) A. Jonathan Howell, Joseph A. Wood eds: The eighth White House papers. Graduate research in the cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(389) Sadhana Puntambekar: Investigating the effect of a computer tool on students' metacognitive processes

(388) Mike Sharples: Computational story writing

(387) Mike Sharples: Designs for new writing environments

(386) David Young, Hilary Tunley, Richard Samuels: Specialised Hough transform and active contour methods for real-time eye tracking

(385) Adrian Thompson: Evolving fault-tolerant systems

(384) Seth G. Bullock: Co-evolutionary design: implications for evolutionary robotics

(383) Stephen Eglen: Modelling the development of cat lateral geniculate nucleus with Hebbian learning

(382) Roger Evans, Gerald Gazdar: DATR: A language for lexical knowledge representation

(381) Nicola Yuill, Anna Pearson: Children's understanding of traits as causal mechanisms based on desires

(380) Stephanie Thornton, Jilly Alexander: Psycho-social pressures toward otoplasty in childhood and adolescence: some surprising age and sex effects

(379) Inman Harvey, James V. Stone: Unicycling helps your French: spontaneous recovery of associations by learning unrelated tasks

(378) Geoffrey E. Miller: Artificial life as theoretical biology: how to do real science with computer simulation

(376) A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: A scaleable approach to face identification

(375) Susi Ross, Magnus Ramage, Yvonne Rogers: PETRA: participatory evaluation through redesign and analysis

(374) Nicola Yuill, Josef Perner, Anna Pearson, Denise Peerbhoy, Joanne van den Ende: Children's changing understanding of wicked desires: from objective to subjective and moral

(373) Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: An empirical exploration of computations with a cellular-automata-based artificial life world

(372) Blay Whitby: The virtual sky is not the limit: ethics in virtual reality

(371) Peter M. Williams: Using neural networks to model conditional variate densities

(370) Julie C. Rutkowska: Can development be designed? What we may learn from the Cog Project

(369) Julie C. Rutkowska: Reassessing Piaget's theory of sensorimotor intelligence: a view from cognitive science

(368) Adrian Thompson: Evolving electronic robot controllers that exploit hardware resources

(367) Lydia Plowman: Tracing the evolution of a co-authored text

(366) Aaron Sloman: What enables a machine to understand?

(366) Lydia Plowman: The interfunctionality of talk and text

(365) A. Jonathan Howell and Hilary Buxton: Invariance in radial basis function neural networks in human face classification

(364) Peter de Bourcier, Michael Wheeler: Aggressive signaling meets adaptive receiving: further experiments in synthetic behavioural ecology

(362) Chris Thornton: The worrying statistics of connectionist representation

(361) Chris Thornton: Learning where to go without knowing where that is: the acquisition of a non-reactive mobot behaviour by explicitation

(360) Chris Thornton: The grandmother-sensor fallacy

(359) Chris Thornton: Why conditional approach is hard to learn

(358) Steve Easterbrook, Bashar Nuseibeh: Managing inconsistencies in an evolving specification

(357) Michael Wheeler, Peter de Bourcier: How not to murder your neighbor: using synthetic behavioral ecology to study aggressive signaling

(356) Bruce Katz: Towards a unified theory of humour

(355) Kyran Dale: Evolving neural network controllers for task defined robots

(354) Chris Thornton: The 1994 COGS Robotics Challenge

(353) Ron Chrisley, Andy Holland: Connectionist synthetic epistemology: requirements for the development of objectivity

(352) Stephanie Thornton: Mobilising recall as a basis for inference

(351) James V Stone: Computer Vision: What is the object?

(350) Peter de Bourcier, Ronald Lemmen, Adrian Thompson (eds): The Seventh White House Papers. Graduate Research in the Cognitive and Computing Sciences at Sussex

(349) Sharon Wood: When Being Reactive Just Won't Do

(348) Mark J. Jary: Relevance and politeness

(347) Dave Cliff, Susi Ross: Adding Temporary Memory to ZCS

(346) Andrew Wuensche: The emergence of memory: categorisation far from equilibrium

(345) Teresa del Soldato, Benedict du Boulay: Formalisation and implementation of motivational tactics in tutoring systems

(344) Vicente Guerrero-Rojo: MML, a modelling language with dynamic selection of methods

(343) Steve Easterbrook: Coordination breakdowns: Why groupware is so difficult to design

(342) Richard Coates: The inheritance of language

(341) Lydia Plowman: Not being there: a pragmatic approach to workplace studies

(340) Eevi Beck: Practices of collaboration in writing and their support

(338) Dave Cliff: Neuroethology, Computational

(337) Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Des Watson: The use of time series analysis for the study of respiratory motion artefacts in MRI/MRS: review and initial results from the use of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram

(336) M. Sharples, B. du Boulay, D. Teather, B.A. Teather, N. Jeffery, G.H. du Boulay: The cognitive basis for an MR image tutor

(335) Mike Scaife, Yvonne Rogers: External cognition: how do graphical representations work?

(334) Mike Scaife, Eleanor Curtis, Charlie Hill: Inter-disciplinary collaboration: A case study of software development for fashion designers

(333) Steve Easterbrook, Anthony Finkelstein, Jeff Kramer, Bashar Nuseibeh: Co-ordinating distributed ViewPoints: the anatomy of a consistency check

(332) Harry G. Barrow, Alistair J. Bray: Models of synaptic development in early visual cortex

(331) Alistair J. Bray, Harry G. Barrow: Simple cell adaptation in visual cortex: a computational model of processing in the early visual pathway

(330) James V. Stone: Learning spatio-temporal invariances

(329) James V. Stone: Evolutionary robots: our hands in their brains?

(328) James V. Stone, Raymond Lister: On the relative time complexities of standard and conjugate gradient back propagation

(327) Michael Wheeler: Active perception in meaningful worlds

(324) Mike Sharples: An introduction to Human Computer Interaction

(323) Dave Cliff: AI and A-Life: Never mind the blocksworld

(322) Margaret A. Boden: Creativity: Inspiration, intuition, or illusion?

(321) Andrew Wuensche: Complexity in One-D Cellular Automata: gliders, basins of attraction and the Z parameter

(320) Michael Wheeler: For Whom The Bell Tolls? The Roles of Representation and Computation in the Study of Situated Agents

(319) Ibrahim Kuscu, Chris Thornton: Design of artificial neural networks using genetic algorithms: review and prospect

(318) Dave Cliff, Inman Harvey, Phil Husbands: General visual robot controller networks via artificial evolution

(317) Inman Harvey, Phil Husbands, Dave Cliff: Seeing the light: artificial evolution, real vision

(316) Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Des Watson: Investigating respiratory motion artefacts and ROPE in magnetic resonance spectroscopy

(315) Colin C. Hand: Model Indexing using parametrised features

(313) David Young: First-order optic flow

(312) Peter M. Williams: Bayesian regularisation and pruning using a Laplace prior

(311) Geoffrey F. Miller, Dave Cliff: Co-Evolution of Pursuit and Evasion I: Biological and Game-Theoretic Foundations

(310) Andy Clark, Pepa Toribio: Doing without representing?

(309) M. Sharples, B.A. Teather, N. Jeffery, D. Teather, B. du Boulay, A.I. Direne, G.H. du Boulay: Statistical modelling and structured image description for intelligent tutoring in MR imaging of the head

(308) Chris Thornton: Supervised learning of conditional approach: a case study

(307) Margaret A. Boden: Autonomy and Artificiality

(306) Richard Dallaway: Dynamics of arithmetic: a connectionist view of arithmetic skills

(305) D.T. Cliff: Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Insects

(304) Peter de Bourcier, Michael Wheeler: Signalling and territorial aggression: an investigation by means of synthetic behavioural ecology

(303) Teresa del Soldato: Motivation in Tutoring Systems

(302) Stephanie Thornton: Constraints on change in children's problem-solving: the role of specific strategies

(301) Andy Holyer: Methods for evaluating user interfaces

(300) J.K. Brook, T.N. Arvanitis, eds.: The Sixth White House Papers: Graduate research in the Cognitive and Computing Sciences at Sussex

(299) Margaret A. Boden: Multiple personality and computational models

(298) Horst Hendriks-Jansen: Scientific explanations of behaviour: the approach through evolution and learning

(297) Horst Hendriks-Jansen: Scientific explanations of behaviour: the approach through formal task-description

(296) Nicola Yuill, Kate Easton: The Role of Linguistic Ambiguity in Understanding and Improving Children's Text Comprehension

(295) Richard Coates: Language in the landscape: place-naming and language change

(294) Alexandre I. Direne: Methodology and tools for designing concept tutoring systems

(293) Hilary Buxton, Shaogang Gong: Advanced visual surveillance

(292) Andy Clark: Representational Trajectories in Connectionist Learning

(291) Andy Clark, Chris Thornton: Trading Spaces: computation, representation and the limits of learning

(290) Geoffrey F. Miller, Jennifer J. Freyd: Dynamic mental representations of animate motion: The interplay among evolutionary, cognitive, and behavioral dynamics

(289) Andy Clark: Dealing in futures: folk psychology and the role of representations in cognitive science

(288) Matthew Elton: Towards Artificial Creativity

(287) Matthew Elton: Human and animal consciousness

(286) Mike Sharples, Andrew Clutterbuck, James Goodlet: A Comparison of algorithms for Hypertext notes network linearisation

(285) Mike Sharples: Computer support for the rhythms of writing

(284) Michael Wheeler: Explaining the behaviour of springs, pendulums, and cognizers

(283) Maria Virvou: A human plausible reasoning theory in the context of an active help system for Unix

(282) Chris Thornton: Representation as function-hiding

(281) Andrew Wuensche: The Ghost in the Machine: Basins of attraction of random Boolean Networks

(280) Ann Copestake: The representation of lexical semantic information

(279) Julie C. Rutkowska: An Infant's-eye view of adaptive behaviour and change in situated systems

(278) Inman Harvey: The puzzle of the persistent question marks: a case study of genetic drift

(277) Peter G.R. de Bourcier: Animat navigation using visual landmarks

(276) Mukesh J. Patel, Benedict du Boulay: Evaluation of contrasting Prolog trace outputs

(275) Charles C. Wood: A cognitive dimensional analysis of idea sketches

(274) Chris Thornton: How Much is Enough? A Connectionist Perspective on the Representation Debate

(273) Ian Rogers, Jonathan Cunningham, Aaron Sloman: Towards a visual notation, and editor, for User Interface Design

(272) Rudi Lutz: Towards an intelligent debugging system for Pascal programs: on the theory and algorithms of plan recognition in Rich's plan calculus

(271) : PLUG '92 Proceedings of Conference

(270) Andy Clark: Minimal Rationalism

(269) R. Chrisley, E. McDermott, S. Katagiri: Objective Functions for Improved Pattern Classification with Back-propagation Networks

(268) David J. Weir: Linear iterated pushdowns

(267) I. Harvey, P. Husbands, D. Cliff: Genetic convergence in a species of evolved robot control architectures

(266) Peter M. Williams: Implementing Algebraic Covariance in Feed-forward Networks

(265) P. Husbands, I. Harvey, D. Cliff: Analysing recurrent dynamical networks evolved for robot control

(264) D.T. Cliff, P. Husbands, I. Harvey: Analysis of evolved sensory-motor controllers

(263) D.T. Cliff, S.G. Bullock: Adding 'Foveal Vision' to Wilson's Animat

(262) Antonio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho: Investigation of a generalised version of Amari's continuous model for neural networks

(261) Adam Kilgarriff: Polysemy

(260) Andy Clark: The varieties of eliminativism (sentential, intentional and catastrophic)

(259) Ronald L. Chrisley: Connectionism, cognitive maps and the development of objectivity

(258) Stephanie Thornton: Using what you know to make judgments: some preliminary developmental results

(257) Christopher Taylor: A formal logical analysis of causal relations

(256) D. Cliff, I. Harvey, P. Husbands: Incremental evolution of neural network architectures for adaptive behaviour

(255) Mike Sharples: Cognitive support and the rhythm of design

(254) Haider Ali Ramadhan: Intelligent Systems for Discovery Programming

(253) Yvonne Rogers: Ghosts in the network: distributed troubleshooting in a shared working environment

(252) Steve Easterbrook: Domain modelling with hierarchies of alternative viewpoints.

(251) C. Wood, R. Davidge, P. Costa: The Fifth White House Papers: Graduate Research in the Cognitive and Computing Sciences in Sussex

(250) Robert Davidge: Processors as organisms

(249) Judy Delin, Jon Oberlander: Syntactic constraints on discourse structure: the case of It-clefts

(248) Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: Enact: an artificial-life world in a family of cellular automata

(247) Ronald L. Chrisley: The ontological status of computational states

(246) Ronald L. Chrisley: Taking embodiment seriously: non-conceptual content and computation

(245) Inman Harvey: Untimed and misrepresented: connectionism and the computer metaphor

(244) Mike Sharples, Benedict du Boulay: Heart and head: the radiology tutor and beyond

(243) Jonathan Meyer, Pauline Jones, Mike Sharples: An Introduction to HiPWorks: an AI/Hypermedia Authoring Environment

(242) Charles C. Wood: A Cultural-Cognitive Approach to Cognitive Writing

(241) Lionel Moser: Simulating Turing machines in DATR

(240) Lionel Moser: Evaluation in DATR is co-NP-Hard

(239) L.J. Cahill, Richard Coates (eds): Sussex Papers in General and Computational Linguistics

(238) Richard Coates: Exponence in Morphology

(237) Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: Methodological issues within a framework to support a class of artificial life worlds in cellular automata

(236) K. Vijay-Shanker, David J. Weir: The equivalence of four extensions of context-free grammars

(235) Chris Thornton: The complexity of constructive induction

(234) Chris Thornton: Learning level-raising mappings: what is the problem?

(233) Andy Holyer: Top-down object-based user interface definition and design paradigms

(231) Philip Husbands: An ecosystems model for integrated production planning

(230) Charles C. Wood: A study of the graphical mediating representations used by collaborating authors

(229) Peter M. Williams: A Marquardt Algorithm for choosing the step-size in backpropagation learning with conjugate gradients

(227) S.M. Easterbrook, E.E. Beck, J.S. Goodlet, L. Plowman, M. Sharples, C.C. Wood: A survey of empirical studies of conflict in relation to CSCW

(226) Geoffrey Goodhill: Correlations, Competition and Optimality: modelling the development of topography and ocular dominance

(225) Chris Mellish, David Allport, Anthony F. Hartley, Roger Evans, Lynne J. Cahill, Robert Gaizauskas, John Walker: The TIC message analyser

(224) Sharon Wood, ed.: Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop of the UK Planning Special Interest Group

(223) Inman Harvey: The SAGA cross: the mechanics of recombination for species with variable length genotypes

(222) Inman Harvey: Evolutionary robotics and SAGA: the case for hill crawling and tournament selection

(221) Inman Harvey: Species Adaptation Genetic Algorithms: a basis for a continuing SAGA

(220) D. Cliff, P. Husbands, I. Harvey: Evolving visually guided robots

(219) I. Harvey, P. Husbands, D. Cliff: Issues in evolutionary robotics

(218) Chris Thornton: Why connectionist learning algorithms need to be more creative

(217) M-M. Portmann, S.M. Easterbrook: PMI: Knowledge elicitation and De Bono's thinking tools

(216) Lionel Moser: Lexical Constraints in DATR

(215) Lionel Moser: DATR Paths as arguments

(214) R.J. Gaizauskas: Deriving answers to logical queries by answer composition: a new approach to deductive question answering

(213) Margaret Deuchar, Angeles Clark: Bilingual acquisition of the voicing contrast in word-initial stop consonants in English and Spanish

(212) Xu Li-Qun, David Young, David Hogg: Building a model of a road junction using moving vehicle information

(211) H. Tunley: Second-order visual motion processing: a distributed approach

(210) Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira: A cellular automaton to embed genetic search

(209) J.V. Stone: Shape from Texture: a computational analysis

(208) Christopher S. Mellish, Roger Evans, John Walker: The TIC Project final report

(207) Margaret A. Boden: The impact of AI on philosophy

(206) D.T. Cliff: Neural networks for visual tracking in an artificial fly

(205) Bill Keller: Feature logics, infinitary descriptions and the logical treatment of grammar

(204) R.L. Trask: A textbook of syntax

(203) Shiu Yin Kelvin Yuen: Shape from contour and segmentation using symmetries

(202) Steve Easterbrook: Handling conflict between domain descriptions with computer-supported negotiation

(201) Shiu Yin K. Yuen: Connective Hough Transform

(200) R. Dallaway, T. Del Soldato, L. Moser, eds.: The Fourth White House Papers: Graduate research in the cognitive and computing sciences at Sussex

(199) Bruce F. Katz: ILN: A Unified approach to integrated learning

(198) Sharon Wood: Specifying the 'Ultimate Autonomous Agent Architecture': a discussion paper

(197) Steve Easterbrook: Negotiation and the role of the requirements specification

(196) Mukesh Patel, Uwe Schnepf: Concept formation as emergent phenomena

(195) Margaret A. Boden: What is Creativity?

(194) Aaron Sloman: Prolegomena to a theory of communication and affect

(193) Andy Clark, Annette Karmiloff-Smith: The Cognizer's Innards: a psychological and philosophical perspective on the development of thought

(192) Aaron Sloman: Interaction between philosophy and artificial intelligence: the role of intuition and non-logical reasoning in intelligence

(190) Mike Sharples, James Goodlet, Eevi Beck, Charles Wood, Steve Easterbrook, Lydia Plowman, Warren Evans: A framework for the study of computer supported collaborative writing

(189) Nicola Yuill: Children's use of trait terms: a critical review and analysis

(188) Richard Coates: Morphophonemics: a tutorial survey

(187) Mike Sharples: Computer-based tutoring of visual concepts: from novice to expert

(186) Mike Sharples, Malcolm Evans: Computer Support for the Development of Writing Abilities

(185) Aaron Sloman: Developing concepts of consciousness

(184) Adam Kilgarriff: An analysis of distinctions between dictionary word senses

(183) Steve Easterbrook: What is Hypertext

(182) John Cole: Government-binding and language typology

(181) L.J. Cahill: Syllable-based morphology for Natural Language Processing

(180) Xu Li-Qun, G.D. Tattersall: Interactive recurrent nets for speech recognition: principles, algorithms and experiments

(edition)) S.J. Eglen, J. Noble: A directory of faculty research in the Cognitive and Computing Sciences at Sussex

(178) Alistair J. Bray: Recognising and tracking polyhedral objects

(177) Chris Taylor, Benedict du Boulay, Mukesh Patel: Outline proposal for a Prolog 'Textual Tree Tracer' (TTT)

(176) Aaron Sloman, Monica Croucher: Why robots will have emotions

(175) Richard Coates: English Proper Names since 1776: a theoretical and historical survey

(174) Julie Rutkowska: Contrasting Piagetian and computational accounts of infant action

(173) Julie Rutkowska: Looking for 'constraints' in infants' perceptual-cognitive development

(172) D.T. Cliff, L.J. Cahill, (eds.): The Third White House Papers: graduate research in the Cognitive Sciences at Sussex

(171) Ian Rogers: Embedding X into the Poplog environment

(170) Sharon Wood: Plan recognition, dynamic world modelling and plan elaboration in the autodrive system for rapidly changing, uncertain, multi-agent environments

(169) John Cole: A look at some aspects of creole genesis

(168) David Young: Quantitative ecological optics

(167) J.V. Stone: Shape from texture: textural invariance and the problem of scale in perspective images of textured surfaces

(166) Hilary Tunley: A neural network model for dynamic image processing

(165) Glen A. Kramer: Solving geometric constraint systems

(164) Aaron Sloman: Beyond Turing Equivalence

(163) D.T. Cliff: Network control for animate vision with nonuniform sampling

(162) D.T. Cliff: Computational Neuroethology: a provisional manifesto

(161) Sharon Wood: The trainee teacher support system: reference manual

(160) Aaron Sloman: The Explanatory Roles of Mental States.

(159) Andrew Casson: Event Abstraction Debuggers for Layered Systems in Prolog

(158) Tom Khabaza: Towards AND/OR Parallel Logic Programming

(157) Sharon Wood: Planning in a Rapidly Changing Environment

(156) Franco Civello: Analogy Driven Reuse of Software Designs

(155) Maria Thereza Indiani de Oliveira: A Field Theory Approach to 'Cooking' Verbs in English and Portuguese

(154) Mike Sharples, Lyn Pemberton: Starting from the Writer: Guidelines for the Design of User-Centred Document Processors.

(153) Robert Smith, Aaron Sloman, John Gibson: POPLOG's Two-level Virtual Machine Support for Interactive Languages

(152) Rudi Lutz: Chart Parsing of Flowgraphs

(151) Lynne J. Cahill, David T. Cliff, editors: The Second White House Papers: Graduate Research in the Cognitive Sciences at Sussex

(150) Helen L. Petrie: The Production of Adverbial and Relative Clauses in Spontaneous Speech

(149) Shiu-Yin Kelvin Yuen, Vaclav Hlavac, David Hogg: Connectivity, The Hough transform and the dynamic combinatorial Hough transform

(148) Margaret A. Boden: Horses of a different colour

(147) Anthony Robins: Distributed representation of type and category

(146) Aaron Sloman: On designing a visual system

(145) David Hogg: Interpreting images of a known moving object

(143) Andy Clark: Connectionism, non-conceptual content and representational redescription

(142) Norman Archer: An object-oriented prototype for supporting system model design

(141) Shiu-Yin Kelvin Yuen: Shape from contour using symmetries

(140) David Pickles: Intentionality, representation and function

(139) Roger Evans, Gerald Gazdar: The DATR papers: February 1990

(138) Christo Dichev, Benedict du Boulay: An enhanced trace tool for Prolog

(137) Larry Trask: Why the Basque transitive verb is not passive

(136) Darina Dicheva, Benedict du Boulay: Rebuilding the blocks tutor

(135) Mike Sharples: The radiology tutor: computer-based teaching of visual categorisation

(134) Andy Clark: The believer's innards

(133) Allan Ramsay: Reasoning about properties

(132) Allan Ramsay: Extended graph unification

(131) Allan Ramsay: The logic of 'most'

(130) Allan Ramsay: Relevant constraints in model elimination

(129) Allan Ramsay: The semantic structure of noun phrases

(128) Robert J. Gaizauskas: A theory of answers for first order deductive database systems

(127) Richard Coates: On the semantics of proper names

(126) Christopher Thornton: An information-theoretic foundation for inductive generalisation

(125) Andy Clark: Beyond eliminativism

(124) Richard Coates: Two sketches on syllabicity

(123) Mike Sharples: A development methodology for cognitive support systems

(122) Mike Sharples, James Goodlet, Lyn Pemberton: Developing a writer's assistant

(121) Lyn Pemberton: Using HyperCard to test the design of Writer's Assistant

(119) Mike Sharples, Lyn Pemberton: Representing writing: an account of the writing process with regard to the writer's external representations

(118) Margaret Walker: Caregiver speech style and the child's acquisition of deictic expressions

(117) Robert M. Smith: A high performance version of the POPLOG virtual machine: reports 1 & 2

(116) Sharon Wood, Trevor Pateman: Expert systems in teacher education

(115) Julie C. Rutkowska: Perception, action and representation in infancy: a computational approach

(114) Alistair J. Bray: Tracking models using convergence techniques

(113) Christo Dichev, Benedict du Boulay: A data tracing system for Prolog novices

(112) Kristina Hook, Josie Taylor, Benedict du Boulay: Redo "Try once and pass": the influence of complexity and graphical notation on novices' understanding of Prolog

(111) Josie Taylor: Programming in Prolog: an in-depth study of problems for beginners learning to program in Prolog

(110) Christopher Thornton: A computational model for the data compression metaphor

(109) Christopher Thornton: Links between content and information-content

(108) Andy Clark: Thoughts, sentences and cognitive science

(107) Robert N. Banks: A system for learning disjunctive rules and concepts

(106) Aaron Sloman: AI and the information systems factory

(105) Andy Clark: Connectionist AI and psychological explanation

(104) Andy Clark: Folk-psychology, thought and context

(103) Rory K. Woodward: The conflict of qualitative reasoning

(102) Mike Sharples, Benedict du Boulay: Knowledge representation, teaching strategy and simplifying assumptions for a concept tutoring system

(101) Lyn Pemberton, Mike Sharples: Textual structures in a computer based writer's assistant system

(098) Benedict du Boulay, Aaron Sloman: Bread today, jam tomorrow: the impact of AI on education

(097) Aaron Sloman: Why philosophers should be designers

(096) David Young: Representing images for computer vision

(095) Simone Doctors: Native speakers' perceptions of non-native speech and the importance of pronunciation to their evaluation

(094) Lynne J. Cahill: A two-level morphological processor

(093) Rory K. Woodward: ISA: the business link

(092) Margaret A. Boden: Escaping from the Chinese room

(091) Markus Lusti: A problem solving consultant in financial analysis

(090) Josie Taylor, Benedict du Boulay: Learning and using Prolog: an empirical investigation

(089) George Dayantis: Types, modularisation and abstraction in logic programming

(088) Claire O'Malley: Understanding explanation

(087) Margaret Deuchar, Angeles Clark: Infant bilingualism: are there two voicing systems?

(086) William R. Keller: An overview of the Project NASEV parser

(085) Roger Evans: Theoretical and computational interpretations of Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar

(084) Roger Evans: Towards a formal specification for defaults in GPSG

(083) Guy L. Scott: Local and global interpretation of moving images

(082) Simone Doctors: Babbling and early speech: the continuity issue

(081) Richard Coates: Notes on the past of the Gaelic dialect of St.Kilda

(080) David Young: Describing the information for action

(079) Allan Ramsay: Connection graphs and decidable theories

(078) Andrew Law: A selective review of Artificial Intelligence

(077) Richard Coates: On a class of solutions to a phonological dilemma

(076) Mark Paul Keefe: New directions in object oriented programming: concepts, issues and alternatives

(074) Allan Ramsay: Knowing that and knowing what

(073) William R. Keller: Nested Cooper Storage: the proper treatment of quantification in ordinary noun phrases

(070) Gerald Gazdar: Linguistic applications of default inheritance mechanisms

(069) Allan Ramsay: Syntactic theory and computational linguistics

(068) Allan Ramsay: Underdetermined feature sets

(067) Christopher Thornton: Hypercuboid-formation behaviour of two learning algorithms

(065) Aaron Sloman: A personal view of Artificial Intelligence

(063) Andrew Law: The META-HELP browser: towards a practical interface to on-line documentation

(062) Aaron Sloman: Motives, mechanisms and emotions

(061) George Dayantis: Logic program derivation for a class of first order logic relations

(060) Josie Taylor, Benedict du Boulay: Studying novice programmers: why they may find learning Prolog hard

(059) Matthew Huntbach: Program synthesis by inductive inference

(058) Gerald Gazdar, Christopher S. Mellish: Computational linguistics

(057) Gerald Gazdar: Generative grammar

(056) Benedict du Boulay, Mark Elsom-Cook, Tom Khabaza, Josie Taylor: POPLOG and the learner: An artificial Intelligence programming environment used in education

(055) Ephraim Paz: Parsing Prolog traces using a DCG grammar

(054) Rudi Lutz: Diagram parsing - a new technique for Artificial Intelligence

(052) Aaron Sloman: Why we need many knowledge representation formalisms

(051) Aaron Sloman: Real time multiple-motive expert systems

(050) Aaron Sloman: Artificial Intelligence and Popper's three worlds

(048) Ephraim Paz: A system for generating explanations of Prolog program results

(047) Aaron Sloman: Reference without causal links

(046) Alan M. Frisch: Parsing with restricted quantification

(045) Keith Oatley, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: Sketch for a cognitive theory of the emotions

(044) Rudi Lutz: Program debugging by near-miss recognition and symbolic evaluation

(043) Josie Taylor: Why novices will find learning Prolog hard

(040) William R. Keller: A lexicon handler for the ProGram grammar development system

(039) William R. Keller: Generating logic from ProGram parse trees

(037) Allan Ramsay: Effective parsing with Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar

(035) Roger Evans, Gerald Gazdar: The ProGram manual

(033) Trevor Pateman: Using and defending cognitive theory

(032) Keith Oatley: Cognitive appraisal of life events preceding depression

(029) Philip Staines: Logical links and reliable knowledge representation

(028) Aaron Sloman: The structure and space of possible minds

(027) Aaron Sloman: Intelligent systems: a brief overview

(025) Jon L. Cunningham: Comprehension by model-building as a basis for an expert system

(023) Allan Ramsay: A note on efficient context switching

(022) Margaret A. Boden: The meeting of man and machine

(021) Margaret A. Boden: Artificial Intelligence and biological reductionism

(020) Margaret A. Boden: Methodological links between AI and other disciplines

(019) Margaret A. Boden: Fashions of Mind

(018) Margaret A. Boden: Artificial Intelligence and social forecasting

(017) Margaret A. Boden: The educational implications of Artificial Intelligence

(016) Margaret A. Boden: Artificial Intelligence and animal psychology

(015) Margaret A. Boden: Failure is not the spur

(013) Aaron Sloman: Skills, learning and parallelism

(012) Aaron Sloman: Beginners need powerful systems

(009) Aaron Sloman: Towards a computational theory of mind

(007) Gerald Gazdar, Geoffrey K. Pullum: Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar: a theoretical synopsis

(006) Gerald Gazdar, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Ivan A. Sag: Coordinate structure and unbounded dependencies

(005) Julie C. Rutkowska: Explaining infant perception: insights from Artificial Intelligence

(004) Aaron Sloman, Monica Croucher: You don't need a soft skin to have a warm heart: towards a computational analysis of motives and emotions

(003) Steven Hardy: The POPLOG programming system

(001) Christopher S. Mellish: Incremental evaluation: an approach to the semantic interpretation of noun phrases