
Centre for Global Health Policy


Read about the organisations that will be represented at the Glocal Health Hive:

Centre for Global Health Policy

Established in 2011, the Centre for Global Health Policy seeks to creatively promote 鈥╰he quality and equality of people’s health around the world by advancing rigorous research 鈥╢or improving global health policy. The Centre undertakes and promotes research on:

1. The Global Politics of Health

How does the evolving international political environment shape and constrain global health policy? This includes research on the changing agendas, diplomatic strategies, and overall constellation of global health actors − including international organizations, governments, public-private partnerships, non-governmental organizations, philanthropic foundations, and commercial actors.

2. Making Global Health Policy

How is global health policy made? This includes research on agenda and priority setting in global health policy, how these policies are framed, the evolving knowledge and evidence base for global health policy, policy negotiation, the challenges of effective policy implementation, policy evaluation, and accountability in global health policy-making.

3. Power in Global Health

How does power influence global health outcomes? This crosscutting research covers material forms of power − especially funding and resource distribution, economic inequalities, and the role of special interests. It equally covers ‘softer’ power − such as processes of marginalization, stigmatization, and exclusion; the role of identities in global health policy, and the place of ethics in global health policy.

We welcome you to please explore our Centre’s webpages for events, news, teaching, and examples of the research our members undertake.

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance) was founded in 1993 to support community groups in countries that were most affected by the global AIDS crisis. The Alliance is a global partnership of nationally-based organizations in over 40 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe. IHAA works with  communities to take local, national and global action on HIV, health and human rights. It engages in a range of international activities such as support for South–South cooperation, operations research, training, good practice development, policy analysis and advocacy. It stresses the importance of working with people who are most likely to affect or be affected by the spread of HIV. These are often people from marginalized groups who are the most vulnerable and the hardest to reach.

Following Biotech accross the world...

The managerial, experimental, regulatory, cognitive and exchange activities that make up knowledge about life, health and medicine. Following  tracing, mapping, and explaining the research, investment, IPR, clinical trials, experimentation, use, standards, values and effects – of Biotech production and products - GMOs, genetic testing, personalized medicine, genomics, stem cell therapy, designer babies, IVF, fetal screening, immune therapies, genetic screening, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), non-invasive predictive testing (NIPT) .

Across the World straddling boundaries between nation-states, societies, ‘race’, healthcare systems, cultures, rich and poor, political systems.

Lyme Research UK

Lyme research UK is a community group of patients, researchers, and other interested people or groups such as policymakers, academics et cetera.

1. We aim to enable wider understanding of the research related to medical policy and practice for tick-borne infections, and its impact on patients.

2. The overall purpose is to provide, or create knowledge and information that can be used to improve policy and practice

3. We aim to make patient outcomes better and improve access to, and quality of, services through patient centred approach’s  - such as patients centred research; shared decision making, and services planning; the use of quality improvement and its management;  evidence based medicine etc.

We will do this by;

• Bringing the experiences of patients to the attention of policymakers, researchers, academics, and doctors – through information and research, etc

• Supporting students and academics, and others to engage with research critically, as well as generating new research that fills gaps in knowledge

For this event, we wish to illustrate the link between policy and practice issues, and patient’s experiences by providing participants with the opportunity to connect with a LIVING BOOK – a patient who has had a tick borne infection, or their carer

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is a leading global institution for development research, teaching and learning, and impact and communications, based at the AV视频. Our vision is a world in which poverty does not exist, social justice prevails and sustainable economic growth is focused on improving human wellbeing. We believe that research knowledge can drive the change that must happen in order for this vision to be realised.

The Health and Nutrition Cluster at IDS pursues programmes of research and policy engagement on health systems, nutrition and understandings of zoonotic diseases. The focus is on bringing a critical social science perspective to how people, especially poor people, address their health and nutrition-related needs and on how governments and other groups influence the performance of these sectors.

There are five overall themes that the Health and Nutrition Cluster focuses on:

  • Understanding the political economy of health and nutrition
  • Engaging with health and nutrition markets in low- and middle-income countries
  • The politics of regulation, health and nutrition in the new knowledge economy
  • Malnutrition and the rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases
  • Health system responses to major outbreaks and (re)emerging infections.


The Centre for Global Health Research contributes towards improving the health of some of the world’s poorest people by equipping high-calibre researchers to undertake excellent research that will impact on important, locally relevant global health problems.

Recent scientific advances in genetics and genomics contribute to major improvements for human health. However, these advances will only widen the existing equity gap between high-income countries and low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). The gap has driven an expansion in funding for genomic research in Africa, so there is an urgent need to support the development of LMIC researchers in genomic science within a framework that addresses the ethical, legal and social implications of such research for individuals and their communities.

Our aims are to build capacity for independent research in LMIC partner institutions, supporting environments that empower scientists to contribute to a wider African research enterprise; to support research training for academic staff and postgraduate students, as well as individual researchers, who will receive tailored support and mentorship to develop their scientific ideas and submit competitive funding proposals.

The Centre has a wide range of educational and research activities, addressing major Global Health issues including infectious, non-infectious, and neglected tropical diseases, such as TB, antibiotic resistance, Podoconiosis, and Cancer. Multidisciplinarity is key in our activities: community engagement, ethics, and policy issues are all explored in our activities.

Footwork - The International Podoconiosis Initiative

Footwork the International Podoconiosis Initiative, is a project of New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity. It brings together public and private partners to support prevention and treatment of podoconiosis, a disabling swelling of the foot and lower leg common in the tropical highlands of Africa and central America. Footwork was founded in 2012 to encourage integration of podoconiosis control into efforts to eliminate other Neglected Tropical Diseases, and works with those active in other related diseases of the foot. Our shared goal is to eliminate podoconiosis within our lifetimes. Brighton & Sussex Medical School hosts the global hub of research into podoconiosis, led by Prof Gail Davey, founder of Footwork.

How can we do the most good? It's a question so many of us ask.  At Effective Altruism Brighton we – alongside the growing Effective Altruism movement – are trying to answer that question.

 We believe in using rigorous research and evidence to find the most effective causes to support. Areas where you can acheive the most good for every penny.

For example if you want to improve education in the global south do you fund teacher training, school uniforms or deworming children? You might be surprised to know that deworming children is highly effective and in Africa increases school attendance by 7.5%.

 Health interventions are often the most effective ways of lifting people out of poverty.  This is because so many diseases in the developing world are preventable, curable and cheap to treat.  Time off from illness also disproportionately harms the world’s poorest through missed work and education. 

This is why we encourage donations and fundraising for proven health interventions such as deworming and malaria nets.  We also campaign alongside to improve the effectiveness of international development. 

 Come along and speak with the Brighton Effective Altruism volunteers to find out more about how you can have the most impact possible.

Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technology and Health

Framed by a specific interest in the processes of power and addressing health inequities, it promotes research on the social, medical, public health, legal, and moral lenses through which reproductive health is perceived, produced, concretised and articulated (for instance, through new policies, engagement with new technologies, new forms of social relations in reproduction). With its unique focus on cultural-ethnographic perspectives, the centre facilitates knowledge transfer partnerships between anthropologists, social and human scientists, health researchers, medical professionals, practitioners, legal activists and policy makers working internationally on critical issues in global maternal, sexual reproductive health (SRH), emerging technologies and health and human rights. A specific aim is to foster international dialogue on ‘Southern’ analytic models and practices.