
Centre for Global Health Policy

The Ebola Crisis: An International Relations Response?

Date: 28th November 2014

Venue: Arts C Building, Room 333, AV视频

Organised by the Centre for Global Health Policy (CGHP) at the AV视频 in collaboration with the British International Studies Association (BISA) Working Group on Global Health

The one-day workshop is organized by the Centre for Global Health Policy (CGHP) at the AV视频 and the BISA Working Group on Global Health. It brings together IR scholars working on global health politics from a variety of perspectives, including (but not limited to):

  • global governance and international institutions
  • international development
  • leadership
  • non-state actors
  • political economy
  • security
  • social justice

This workshop is an invitation only event, coordinated by Dr. Anne Romer-Mahler, A.Roemer-Mahler@sussex.ac.uk. Outputs of this workshop will be made available on this website, which include a report.


Aims and Rationale:

Over the past decade there has been a substantial increase in the depth and breadth of IR scholarship on global health. Scholars have observed, analyzed and commented on the rise of public health as an issue in global politics and the emerging global health governance architecture from a variety of perspectives – including global governance, international political economy, international security, international development, normative theory, gender, and so forth. The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate discussion between some of the most eminent scholars working in this field to collectively bring the insights of this existing research to bear directly on the unfolding Ebola crisis, to harness lessons from IR research that may be of assistance to those on the front line of the response, and to develop a post-Ebola research agenda in global health in response to the deeper questions that the crisis generates for the state of global health policy and governance.

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