Sussex Researcher School

PGR School Contacts

Postgraduate researchers (PGRs) can use these School contacts to reach out to their Research and Enterprise Coordinator (REC) or Director for Postgraduate Researchers (DPGR) with any School-level queries.

Each School has one or more administrators (often ‘Research and Enterprise Coordinators’ or ‘RECs’) who provide support for research degree programmes. Together with your main supervisor, these colleagues will be your first port of call for guidance on policies and processes, and for sign-posting to appropriate support services and resources.

Each School also has a senior academic (the ‘Director for PGRs – DPGR – or School equivalent) responsible for research degree delivery, and PGR provision and support within the School. The DPGR oversees various processes, including Formal Progress Reviews, changes to registration, and the appointment of examiners. More complex queries may be escalated to the DPGR by you main supervisor and/or REC, or you can contact them directly to seek advice about complex or sensitive issues.

SchoolResearch and Enterprise Coordinator (REC)Director for Postgraduate Researchers (DPGR)
Business business-researchstudents@sussex.ac.uk Michael Hopkins  
Engineering and Informatics enginf-pgr@sussex.ac.uk Julie Weeds
Education and Social Work (ESW) eswpgradmin@sussex.ac.uk Gillian Ruch
Global Studies globalrec@sussex.ac.uk Dr Sam Knafo
Institute of Development Studies (IDS) s.s.watson@ids.ac.uk Dr Martin Greeley
Life Sciences lifesci-rec@sussex.ac.uk Helfrid Hochegger
Law, Politics and Sociology (LPS) lpspgr@sussex.ac.uk Prof Nuno Ferreira
Media, Arts and Humanities (MAH) mah-pgr@sussex.ac.uk

Dr Rachel Stenner  Rachel.Stenner@sussex.ac.uk

Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) mpsrec@sussex.ac.uk Miro Cheblik
Psychology psychologyrec@sussex.ac.uk Dr Alexa Morcom
Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) researchdegrees@bsms.ac.uk Prof Sandra Sacre

If you would like to contact one of your PGR Reps for advice, then the Student Union have instructions on how to . 

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk