
Photo of Anastasia ChristouAnastasia Christou


Anastasia teaches a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Geography as well as interdisciplinary teaching, particularly in the areas of cultural studies, migration studies, gender studies and European studies.

In the Autumn Term she convenes and teaches on the first year undergraduate module Study Skills in Geography and Ecology, as well as the core postgraduate module MA Globalisation and Culture and is the Programme Convenor for the MA Globalisation, Ethnicity and Culture.

She has previously also taught Cultural Geographies, Social Geography, Europe & International Migration and has been a lecture contributor to Methods and Approaches in Human Geography/Research Skills in Human Geography, the Master’s Level Course- Transnational Migration and Diaspora and to the MA in Migration Studies Research Methods course. She has offered an MA Workshop on Methodology, Research Design & Ethics in Dissertation Writing and a DPhil Workshop on  Doctoral Thesis Writing. She also has first year undergraduate academic advisees in BA Geography and supervises students undertaking the Geography Undergraduate Thesis on a variety of themes relating to Cultural, Social and Feminist Geographies, in addition to supervising MA and DPhil students.

In Spring/Summer Terms, Anastasia teaches two cultural studies courses (Culture Across Space and Time; Culture, Race and Ethnicity) and contributes to a Research Methods Workshop for MA Dissertations.