Publications and resources


Selected Publications

Baruchin LJ, Alleman M, Schröder S (2023) Reward modulates visual responses in the superficial superior colliculus of mice. J Neurosci

Diamanti EM, Reddy CB, Schröder S, Muzzu T, Harris KD, Saleem AB, Carandini M (2021) Spatial modulation of visual responses arises in cortex with active navigation. 10.

Schröder S, Steinmetz NA, Krumin M, Pachitariu M, Rizzi M, Lagnado L, Harris KD, Carandini M (2020) Arousal modulates retinal output.  107, 487-495.e9.

Burgess CP, Lak A, Steinmetz NA, Zatka-Haas P, Reddy CB, Jacobs EAK, Linden JF, Paton JJ, Ranson A, Schröder S, Soares S, Wells MJ, Wool LE, Harris KD, Carandini M (2017) High-yield methods for accurate two-alternative visual psychophysics in head-fixed mice. 20: 2513-2524

Pachitariu M, Stringer C, Schröder S, Dipoppa M, Rossi LF, Carandini M, Harris KD (2016) Suite2p: beyond 10,000 neurons with standard two-photon microscopy.

Martin KAC, Schröder S (2016) Phase Locking of Multiple Single Neurons to the Local Field Potential in Cat V1. 36: 2494-2502

Schröder S, Carandini M (2014) A Cortical Rein on the Tectum’s Gain. 84:6-8.

Martin KAC, Schröder S (2013) Functional Heterogeneity in Neighbouring Neurons of Cat Primary Visual Cortex in Response to Both Artificial and Natural Stimuli. 33:7325-7344.

Kollmorgen S*, Nortmann N*, Schröder S*, König P (2010) Influence of low-level stimulus features, task dependent factors, and spatial biases on overt visual attention. 6:e1000791.



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Data and Code

  • Reward modulates visual responses in the superficial superior colliculus of mice 

    Baruchin LJ, Alleman M, Schröder S (2023)

    : responses of collicular neurons (two-photon imaging and electrophysiology) while the mice perform a visual detection task.

  • Arousal modulates retinal output.

    Schröder S, Steinmetz NA, Krumin M, Pachitariu M, Rizzi M, Lagnado L, Harris KD, Carandini M (2020)

    : visual and non-visual responses of retinal boutons (two-photon), collicular neurons (two-photon) and retinal axons in optic tract (electrophysiology using Neuropixels probes); visual responses of collicular neurons during inactivation of primary visual cortex.