I have taught on a variety of courses (25+) in engineering, physics, mathematics and computing at various levels and using different teaching methods. I also teach foundation year tutorials and act as an academic advisor to students.
I am currently responsible for the following courses in the School of Engineering and Design:
Principles of Technology (Autumn Term, Foundation Year 0/year 1)
Selection of Materials 1 (Spring term , year 1)
Selection of Materials 2 (Spring term, year 1)
Practical Electronics in Society (Summer term, year 1)
Engineering for Environment/Development Applications (Spring/Summer, year 2)
Space Systems (Spring Term, year 3)
I worked with Mathematics department colleagues on the development of a new course "Mathematical Skills in Engineering and Design" (Spring/Summer term, year1) and helped specify the course content. I previously convened and lectured on the course Digital Systems and Mircoprocessors (Spring Term, year 1)