Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities - for students and staff

Staff Experience

Staff Experience

Part of the Culture, Equity and Inclusion portfolio 

Associate Dean Culture, Equity and Inclusion Committee (CEI): Sarah Maltby

Professional Services lead: Grace Merry G.Merry@sussex.ac.uk

MAH Staff Information and Handbook

Information for New Staff

University wide Staff Support 

Health and Wellbeing Information

(see below for links to staff support)

Sickness absence (including information about entitlement, occupational health, recording sickness absence on MyView, long term sickness and returning to work).

Staff can self-certify for up to 7 days for short term sickness. This must be logged in MyView and the line manager notified

Absence longer than 7 consecutive days requires a ‘Fit Note’ from your GP or health practitioner.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Training

  • MAH supports training and continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for all staff. Please discuss your needs with your line manager. Your Annual Development Review (ADR) is a good opportunity to do this.
  • Mandatory Training: Some training is mandatory for all staff. Please ensure you have completed this training at the start of each academic year. The training includes Diversity in the Workplace, GDPR, Health and Safety, Safeguarding Essentials, and Fire Awareness.

 Funding requests for training

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Training for Teaching

CPD and Professional Development Resources for Teaching

  • : resources and specialist advice to enhance your use of learning technologies, curriculum development and online distance learning
  • : includes teaching-support resources and , a series of short videos in which colleagues share ideas and experience about teaching.

The Faculty's Director of Continuing Professional Development, Sue Robbins, has created a 

Professional Development (CPD) and Leadership Training Resources

Mentoring & Coaching

  • Mentoring in Media, Arts and Humanities: The MAH Mentoring Scheme is specifically designed to support colleagues and foster inclusion within MAH. We are always looking for new Mentors and Mentees and University training is available for those who would like to join. If you would like to know more, please contact Sarah Maltby (S.Maltby@sussex.ac.uk)
  • University Mentoring:The University ‘s Mentoring Scheme managed through Organisational Development which connects staff across the University.
  • Coaching at Sussex: Managed through Organisational Development
