Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities - for students and staff

Video Edit Suites

Silverstone Building 2nd Floor

MAH have a number of individual edit booths located on the second floor of the Silverstone Building geared towards giving you a private space to edit your productions using higher spec 27” imacs, 4K second monitor dual screens and stereo speakers.

edit booths map











Edit booths are equipped with a 27” imac, with duel LG Ultrafine display, Roland Edirol MA015D speakers and headphones

  • Edit booth 1 is equipment with a blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel for Colour Correcting in DaVinci Resolve. 

This facility is bookable via our online booking system SiSO, for CCP and Journalism subjects and is available up to 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  

This facility is for editing work ONLY.