Sam Thrussell


Sam Thrussell recreates the music in the last scene of the film, Hostiles (2017).

  • Video transcript

    Closeups of a steam train’s wheels and engine.  

    A masculine-appearing person, a feminine-appearing person and a child with long hair stand on the platform next to the train.  

    A masculine-sounding voice makes an announcement.  

    (Last call, Chicago. All aboard!) 

    [Sentimental music in the background] 

    Feminine-appearing person: Well. I suppose this is it. 

    Masculine-appearing person: Came sooner than I thought. Sure am happy you’regoing to be 

    teaching again. Reckon there’s no more noble profession. 

    They both appear emotional and struggle to hold back tears.  

    Feminine-appearing person:You’re a fine man, Joe Blocker. We can’t thank you enough. And whatever may come, I only want the best for you. 

    The masculine-appearing person gives a book to the child, who makes a hand gesture and thanks them for the book.  

    Masculine-appearing person: It’s your time to put these to good use. That Caesar was a smart man... maybe the smartest I ever read. 

    The masculine-appearing person avoids making eye contact with the feminine-appearing person, who at this point has tears in their eyes. 

    The feminine-appearing person and the child walk away to board the train. Before entering the coach, the feminine-appearing person whispers thank you to the masculine-appearing person.  

    [An emotional piece on the piano plays in the background] 

    We see close ups of the feminine-appearing person and the child seated on the train. The masculine-appearing person appears to be walking away from the train but changes their mind and walks back towards the train and gets on it as it fades away into the distance.