
Centre for Global Health Policy


Listed below are the project researcher's presentations related to this project.

Stefan Elbe

Presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, 16-19 March 2016, Atlanta.

Presentation at the British International Studies Association Conference, London, June 2015.

Presentation on the Ebola Crisis at Council on Foreign Relations in New York, 23 March 2015. Listen to for a “to-the-point” discussion of these issues and the important insights here.

Presentation on the Ebola Crisis at Seton Hall University, New Jersey, 23 March 2015.

Participant at the Wilton Park Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, 13 March 2015.

Chaired and co-authored the IDS ‘Ebola: Lessons for Development’ event at the Welcome Trust, 25 February 2015. .

Presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, February 2015.

Participant at the ESRC Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance, London, 22 January 2015.

Presentation on Tamiflu at the Politics Department, University of Leeds, 6 November 2014.

Presentation on Pharmaceuticals and Security at the Governing Emergencies Workshop, Royal Geographical Society. 23 September 2014.

Presentation at the British International Studies Association, 19-20 June 2014, Dublin.

Presentation at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, March 2014, Toronto.

Chaired the ‘Pharmaceuticals and Security: Strengthening Industry Engagement - Future directions in public-private collaboration for health security’. Hosted by the Centre for Global Health Policy, AV视频, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, 7 February 2014.  Read about this event and read the report here.

Presentation at Q Symposium, Center for , February 2014.

Panel Chair at the 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Standing Group on International Relations, Warsaw University, 19-21 September 2013.

Presentation at the British International Studies Association, London, 19-21 June 2013.

Lecture to the University Court, AV视频, 26 April 2013.


Anne Romer-Mahler

Participant in a roundtable on ‘Pharmaceuticals and Global Health: Can Public-Private Partnerships Deliver New Medicines?’ at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, 18 March 2016.

Presentation on ‘Global Health Security’ at Akademie fuer Politische Bildung, Tutzing (Germany), 3 March 2016.

Participant and session chair at workshop on ‘The Emerging Global Crisis of Antimicrobial Resistance. Towards a Research Agenda for International Relations’, organized by the University of Sheffield and sponsored by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, 29 February 2016.

Presentation of a paper on ‘The Race for Ebola Drugs: Pharmaceuticals, Security and Global Health Governance’, co-authored with Stefan Elbe, at the 40th annual conference of the British International Studies Association in London, 16 June 2015.

Presentation of IDS briefing paper on ‘Global Governance and the Limits of Health Security’, co-authored by Stefan Elbe, at the IDS/ Wellcome Trust event on ‘Ebola: Lessons for Development’, London, 25 February 2015. .

Participant in Workshop ‘Behaviour and Antimicrobial Resistance’ organised by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, London, 22 January 2015.

Organiser and chair of a workshop on ‘The Ebola Crisis: An International Relations Response?’ at the Centre for Global Health Policy at the AV视频, 28 November 2014. Read the workshop summary here.

Presentation of ‘The Rise of Companies from Emerging Markets in Global Health Governance’, at the British International Studies Association’s Annual Conference, Dublin, 19 June 2014.

Presentation of ‘Pharmaceuticals and Security: The Role of Public-Private Collaborations in Strengthening Global Health Security’, co-authored with Stefan Elbe and Christopher Long, at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto, 27 March 2014.

Presentation of Presentation of ‘Pharmaceutical Companies as Partners in Global Health Governance: Looking Beyond Neglected Disease Drugs’ at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto, 27 March 2014.

Co-Chair of ‘Pharmaceuticals and Security: Strengthening Industry Engagement - Future Directions in Public-Private Collaboration for Health Security’. Hosted by the Centre for Global Health Policy, AV视频, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, 7 February 2014. Read about this event and read the report here.

Presentation of ‘Engaging Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers in Global Health Collaboration’ at the Workshop on Access to Pharmaceuticals, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, 24-25 January 2014.

Presentation of ‘Persuading Pharmaceutical Companies to Engage in Public-Private Partnerships: Incentive Strategies and Implications’ at the 25th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Milan, 28 June 2013.

Presentation of ‘Pharmaceuticals and Security: The Role of Public-Private Collaborations in Strengthening Global Health Security’, co-authored with Stefan Elbe, at the British International Studies Association’s Annual Conference, Birmingham, 21 June 2013.

Presentation of ‘Pharmaceuticals and Security: The Role of Public-Private Collaborations in Strengthening Global Health Security’, co-authored with Stefan Elbe and Christopher Long, at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management International Conference, Shanghai, May 2013.


Chris Long

Presentation in a roundtable on ‘Pharmaceuticals and Global Health: Can Public-Private Partnerships Deliver New Medicines?’ at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, 18 March 2016.

Presented paper titled ‘The Material, the Biological, and the Virtual in Global Health Security’, at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, 18 March 2016. Paper titled ‘The molecularisation of security: medical countermeasures and the emergence of U.S. civilian biodefence’.

Presentation in the ESRC Seminar series on Global Health Security, workshop on the ‘Emerging Global Crisis of Antimicrobial Resistance’ at the University of Sheffield, 29th of February 2016

Presented paper titled ‘The U.S. turn to medical countermeasures: failure and denial in the governance of bioterrorism’ at the 2015 Millennium Conference, ‘Failure and Denial in World Politics’. Held at the London School of Economics and Political Science, 17-18 October 2015.

Presented paper titled ‘The enframing of the molecular vision of life: Heidegger, Foucault and the U.S. response to bioterrorism’ at the ‘Annual Aber-LSE-Sussex Theory Colloquium: Making Theory Social’, London School of Economics, 15th of June, 2015.

Presented paper titled ‘Prepping for Preparedness: Molecular Life and the Development of the Bioterrorist Threat in the Clinton Administration’ at the 2015 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association. Panel on ‘The Molecularisation of Security: Pre-Emption, Dual-Use and Co-Production in Global Health Security’, New Orleans, 19th of February 2015.

Presented paper titled ‘The Enframing of Molecular Life: Heidegger, Foucault and the U.S. response to Bioterrorism’ at the ‘Engaging Foucault’ conference, Belgrade, Serbia from the 5th-7th of December 2014.

Presented paper titled ‘Project BioShield, BARDA and Bioterrorism: Molecular Pre-Emption and Enhancement’ at the Annual Convention of the British International Studies Association. Panel on ‘Molecularising Global Health Security - Anticipation, Emergence and Resilience’, Dublin, 19th of June 2014.






See also