Madeleine Davies

Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon

This piece demonstratesmy own explorations into microtonality, as a Western musician. I ultimately question whether there is a place for microtonality to exist within a Western popular music context.” To construct this piece, “I walked the fields around my university campus and recorded birdsong using my iPhone. I then loaded the MP3 file into LogicProX and cut the audio file to reduce it to moments of birdsong I was particularly drawn to. Cenedlhebiaith, cenedlhebgalon means ‘A nation without a language is a nation without a heart’ in Welsh.” 

Maddie Davies - Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon (SP)


Advanced Composition Portfolio

I approached this portfolio as if I was creating a demo EP that, after recording with a live band, I could release as an artist. I set out to achieve a streamlined listening experience akin to an album. Overall, I believe my portfolio is highly reflective of myself as an artist and portrays the musical direction in which my future work is headed.” Inspiration for this portfolio comes from jazz performers such as Nina Simone and Dave Brubeck, as well as Christian choral music and the band Human Bloom. 

Madeleine Davies - Advanced Composition Portfolio (Comp)